Saturday, April 9, 2016

Thankful for Good, Healthy Food!

It doesn't get much better than enjoying a delicious meal with family. Kaelyn looks forward to every single meal. What makes it even better is that we know we are eating items that are healthy for our bodies... God made, God given. Thankfully after omitting several foods (like all forms of grain, sweeteners and high starch vegetables) from our diet when we were cleansing our gut and healing from Candida, we were finally able to add several back in, and we couldn't be happier! The dish above is one of our family favorites. Organic brown basmati & wild rice with zucchini, organic carrots, onion, fresh garlic, ghee, freshly ground black pepper, sea salt, freshly ground cumin, chicken broth (or clean water or bone broth for cooking the rice in) and sometimes chucks of chicken. We hope we have inspired you to try it and that you and your family will enjoy it as much as we do.
I meant to get this post up this past Thursday, but I've been so busy in the kitchen, finally getting some of our favorite pantry staples listed on our websites Essentials Page, and then with regular work and happenings... I'm a bit behind.
Also, the first Enduring Health Journey newsletter was released last week!!! It was a bit lengthy, but since I am planning on just sharing them quarterly I wanted to share a good amount of information. Thank you so much to those who signed up and for the positive feedback I have received! It means so much! Also for those who have signed up after the first one went out I will be forwarding it to you so you don't miss out on anything. If you haven't signed up and would like to you can go to the bottom right of any of our Home pages and type in your name and email to get yours!

One more thing, since health and healing is so important to us, there is a new series coming out about cancer, ways to heal and prevent it naturally. Being that more and more people are getting the dreaded diagnosis, I think this would be beneficial for everyone to watch. It is free. I like to say, knowledge is power, so never stop learning... Click the link for more information:
Have a fabulous weekend!

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