I would like to introduce you to my Grandma and Kaelyn's Great-Grandma. She is an amazing soul, and we are so blessed to have her in our lives. I treasure every moment we are able to spend with her, every moment my daughter gets to laugh and play with her. Looking at her life, at her experiences, her responses to situations, to the struggles she endured... I see her as a teacher. Her chosen actions and responses impact me, my daughter, and all around her... at times we didn't even realize it, she probably didn't realize. This all points to the amazing power of the Holy Spirit that works in each of us if we allow it. When we are open to the Spirit, others around us are moved in ways we can't always explain or know. We hold a power that is powerful within, that can do so much good in lives around us and even in our own. I've witnessed my grandma go through great pain, I saw her go through the loss of my Grandfather many years ago (which was actually the second husband she lost to death). I've seen her battle serious health issues, I've heard other stories of her great strength... and through it all, it is undeniable that her strength comes from the Lord. I can see how blessed she is and how she is such a blessing to those around her... or even many, many miles away to complete strangers. She is a giver. God is a giver. He works through her. God carried her through pain, to share a strength through her that couldn't have otherwise been shared. She was taught how to be independent in this world, but I believe she was also taught to be dependent on the Lord. I love watching my grandma. Sure she has had great hurts in the past, experienced pain, but she has always been carried through, and she always comes out with a renewed strength and a joy for life. Yes, she enjoys life... at 93 years old she is enjoying life! Lately when I stop by her house she is thrilled to be knitting again, blankets, scarves, nothing looks alike. She doesn't even know what's going to unfold. It's like watching a kid unwrap something they have been wishing for. You see pure delight in the eyes... it is priceless. I see God blessing her with joy.
My grandma has many interests. She is not what many picture as an ordinary grandma who sits in a rocking chair all day. Of course she likes to do her fair share of reading, she loves a good book and has hundreds of them, but she moves around, she takes care of things in her big yard, she plants a big garden every year... a highlight of hers is growing flowers, and of course she likes to give many of them away during the warmer months. She's definitely the light to others around her. I pray that I will be like her, that my daughter will learn her ways, because really her way is the Lord's way. She is humble, she gives way more than what she gets in return, she chooses her words carefully, she plants a garden and eats what it produces, she prays and gives thanks, she takes care of herself, she is self controlled, she listens, she hugs, she loves...
No one that sees her out and about can guess her age. Many think she's in her 70's which always makes us laugh. To feel good and alive at her age, what a blessing! When I was little I never wanted to grow old. I always looked at aging as rather depressing and didn't see the joy that could be, but now through Grandma, I can see it, I can see the good. And I should have seen it through her mother who lived over a hundred and was doing so well. My Great-Grandma had also lived a good long life, was blessed by the Lord... but I learned even more from my Grandma as I have spent more time with her. Time, it is precious. It is a gift I am thankful for. I am thankful for the moments I am able to go to her house and pick her mind for more information on days past, on health, and overall wellness. I see the good that has come from her past experiences and I want to learn as much as I can from her in the time we have. In one of our afternoon chats I asked her a few questions that I could share with others, in hopes to inspire someone else... or even just myself. Here are a few of my questions with her answers:
What do you believe helped you to live a long, happy, healthy life?
Her response, not in order of importance...
1. Pray~unceasing and don't forget to thank God for all His many blessings.
2. Have numerous interests. Some of hers include: books, music, stamps, cooking, writing. (I have to add, she is the queen of word games/puzzles. Most of us don't stand a chance & don't even compete with her in Scrabble. Bananagrams we might get lucky if we tell her to use words we know.)
3. Strive to have a happy family and good friends.
4. Try to eat healthy.
5. Attend Bible classes and read the Bible daily.
[Some of this information has been updated: April 9, 2016] Due to my and Kaelyn's own health journey and seeing the importance of healthy food, I often ask Grandma what she eats and what she ate as a kid. Information has continued to grow in this area. So far she has shared that when growing up they would walk to a near by neighbor and get raw milk, then later on had some delivered. She likes her milk! They ate lots of eggs and homemade sauerkraut. They didn't have all the greens like we do today, like kale. And they didn't have cauliflower or broccoli. She remembers her mom giving her and her siblings cod liver oil and she hated it! Today she grinds up flax and walnuts regularly to put on her breakfast, along with 1 whole banana to keep her potassium levels good. She likes to juice in the summer and makes the yummiest apple juice from her own apples. She also has lots of her own asparagus in the warmer months. Her meal portions are always small and she chews well which is great for digestion! These were just a few of the healthy food tidbits that stood out to me from some of our conversations and simply by watching her.
Another question, What do you wish you had known at a much younger age?
She said, "How terribly important communication is, with parents, friends, family members, especially husbands and even acquaintances."
Grandma didn't include God in this answer but from looking at her life (and even looking at her previous answer) I can see that her communication with Him is strong, and has likely grown over the years. How I see it, communication builds strong, healthy relationships.
Last question, If you could change anything, what would it be?
Her response, "I'd listen more and talk less!"
I had to laugh, because I don't see her as talking too much. If anything I want her to share more! She is like a wealth of information. Her experiences equal knowledge. She learned, she grew and now she shares. :)
We love you Grandma, Great-Grandma! Thank you for sharing your time with us! You are a treasure.
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these health books are on loan from Grandma. I'm excited to look through all of them! :)